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Jumat, 06 April 2012

The original recipe Indonesia .....

Fried Rice


There are not ya people who have never eaten Indonesian fried rice he he .. This popular food is popular all over the country akhir2 even this was worldwide. And we should be proud of this one because the menu had to go international with bears its original name wherever she went. At least that's what I know of a restaurant menu-Asian restaurant and frozen instant paket2 available in some supermarkets in Germany. Unfortunately produk2 almost all production is not native to Indonesia. Proud but also sad. But what? Bung globalization era, food thickening menglobal profit, of course, for those who are keen to see the situation he he he. So what can we do? Satu2nya way to help preserve traditional cuisine and syukur2 invite outsiders to cook for themselves so in a way to disseminate this recipe. So for those of you who live in Indonesia, has often eat fried rice but never make their own. :-) Oh yeah try yukk important tips for making fried rice: To cook the rice in a conventional manner yes. Alias ​​cooked in water, stirring until half cooked (the term Java language: dikaru), after which ditanak in saucepan until cooked. Do not use a rice cooker, rice would later clot.


     300 grams of cooked rice.
     150 gr chicken fillet, sliced ​​boxes
     2-3 pieces of eggs, diceplok
     1 small leek, thinly sliced
     2 tablespoons soy sauce
     1 tbsp tomato sauce
     1 teaspoon salt

Subtle spice:

     3 red chilies, seeded
     5 pieces of cayenne pepper (if you like spicy)
     5 red onions
     3 cloves garlic
     1/4 tsp shrimp paste cooked

Supplementary Material:

     1 tomato, thinly sliced
     1 cucumber, thinly sliced
     Prawn crackers to taste

 How to Make:
     Puree ingredients spices with a mortar or blender. Add a little oil if necessary within the blender.
     Saute the spices in a large skillet slightly concave / wok until fragrant.
     Add chicken, stir and cook until the chicken changes color and mature.
     Reduce the heat in a medium temperature. Enter the cooked rice and stir well.
     Add soy sauce and tomato sauce and scallions. Stir well.
     Add salt to taste. Lift.
     Create an egg with how to: Apply a small amount of butter the size of fried eggs in a nonstick skillet.
     Heat a medium temperature, wait until the butter melts and rather hot.
     Broken eggs carefully, fry until cooked (do not need to be reversed). Lift.
     Serve with egg fried rice with sliced ​​tomato, cucumber and shrimp crackers. 



Here it is the typical cuisine of East Java and Central Java ...... Rawon Meat. The color is jet black .. but it should not be asked. Especially if you already deposited the savory marinade soak overnight. Like a train Javanese word, let me make a miss black but .. that's Rawon ha hah. Rawon taste really complete, sekomplit spices they contain. A menu that is perfect eaten with warm rice with side dishes of salted eggs, shrimp crackers and chili paste. But to be honest in where I live now, people are often skeptical look at his appearance that they are very strange and reduces appetite;-). So I had to patiently explain that the black color comes from a special seasoning keluwak alias instead of the others he he;-))


     500 gr beef
     2 pieces of lemongrass, crushed
     2 cm or 1 tablespoon galangal, geprak
     5 pieces of kaffir lime leaves
     2 pieces Dauh onions, sliced ​​at 1 cm
     pepper to taste
     Sugar to taste
     salt to taste
     2 Liter of water

Subtle spice:

     10 red onions
     5 cloves garlic
     5 egg hazelnut
     5 or 10 grams of fruit keluak keluak bars
     2 cm or 1 tablespoon ginger, peeled
     1 cm or 1 tsp kencur, peeled
     1 cm or 1 tsp turmeric, peeled
     1/2 tsp coriander
     1/2 teaspoon cumin
     1/2 tsp tamarind
     1/2 tsp shrimp paste (optional)

Supplementary Material:

     bean sprouts
     Fried onions
     Prawn crackers
     chili Paste
     Salted Eggs

How to Make:

     Slice the meat about the size of satai. Rinse and drain.
     Puree ingredients spices with a mortar or blender.
     If necessary add a little oil into the blender to simplify the process of destruction.
     Heat 2 quarts of water to a boil, *** and insert slices of meat.
     Boil the meat until tender over medium heat to get a clear broth.
     (If you need to discard the fat that appears on the surface of the water).
     Saute the spices, lemon grass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves until fragrant.
     Once fragrant, add seasoning stir into stew.
     Add pepper powder, sugar and salt to taste.
     If the meat is completely tender, put sliced ​​scallions.
     Serve with bean sprouts, shrimp crackers and chili paste (if using).
     Rawon will taste more delicious if it is deposited overnight.

Additional Note ***:

     Boil the meat in boiling water with moderate temperatures for meat juices that are locked and get a clear broth.

 Banana compote


Here it is the most popular appetizer in the month of fasting. After holding a day of thirst and hunger stomach ringan2 we should eat first so that the stomach does not directly forced to work hard. Compote was the right choice. In addition to sweet and fresh, the aroma of pandan leaves very tempting. Of course you can make a compote anytime and anywhere. In addition the material is easy in the can, the manufacturing process is also very simple and fast. O yes ingredients can be variations according to taste. But from my experience trying to mix this and that, I personally recognize the blend of bananas and jackfruit become our family favorite. Hmm husband admitted delicious!


     1 piece of cassava or sweet potato (200 g)
     2 bananas (bananas kepok if any)
     100 gr palm sugar, comb
     100 grams sugar
     400 ml thick coconut milk
     400 ml of water
     1 pandan leaves, tie
     3-5 ripe jackfruit, sliced ​​small squares
     ½ tsp salt

 How to Make:
     Peel sweet potatoes and potong2 to taste.
     Peel the bananas kepok, potong2 according to taste.
     Heat water, brown sugar, granulated sugar, pandan leaves and cook until the sweet potatoes and yams     cooked / soft.
     Enter coconut, banana and jackfruit pieces. Add salt to taste.
     Bring to a boil again over medium heat, stirring until the ripe fruit, stirring. Make sure the banana and jackfruit are not too soft.
     Serve hot.
 Lumpia Semarang

If I hear the word Lumpia my brain automatically directly connects to the Lumpia Semarang. Do not know why, although many variations of recipes lumpia but I would not want to admit "Lumpia Semarang 'already embedded in the hearts of both the name and taste. Back when I was nyangkul in one MNC in Batam I like to buy this spring rolls in a small kiosk in the Sun Dept. mojok. Store, Batam Center. I do not know what the stall is still there what is not? But a clear sense of the typical "Lumpia Semarang 'that combines shredded bamboo shoots, shrimp and dried shrimp spring rolls make it different from the others. You are interested in making your own? Not hard really just need a little patience because the necessary paraphernalia in the process. But the result is quite satisfying ..... HHM. Good luck, OK??!!

     15 sheets of spring roll skin @ size 15 x 15 cm, ready to buy

Material Content:

     2 pieces of red onion, finely chopped
     3 pieces of garlic, finely chopped
     2 pieces of green onion, thinly sliced
     250 g shrimp, peeled, roughly chopped
     150 gr boiled chicken fillet, roughly chopped
     Canned bamboo shoots 350 grams lighter form, drained
     1 egg, scrambled for a smooth
     1 tablespoon dried shrimp, soaked hot water, drained, roughly chopped
     2 tablespoons soy sauce
     1 teaspoon salt
     1/2 teaspoon pepper
     75 ml of water / broth
     Oil for sauteing / frying

Sauce Ingredients:

     500 ml of water
     1 clove garlic, crushed
     50 grams of brown sugar, fine comb
     1/2 tsp salt
     1 tablespoon soy sauce
     6 tsp tapioca flour, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water

* Sweet & Sour Sauce, if likes:

     2 cloves garlic, mashed
     1 small red chilli, seeded and mashed
     1 tablespoon vinegar
     1 tablespoon granulated sugar
     200 ml of water
     1/2 tsp salt
     1/2 teaspoon cornstarch, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water
 How to Make:

     Contents: Heat oil and saute onion and garlic until fragrant.
     Enter the green onion and shrimp, stir until prawns change color.
     Add chicken and bamboo shoots and stir well. Enter scrambled eggs and dried shrimp.
     Add soy sauce, pepper and salt. Stir well. Taste. Add a little sugar if desired.
     Pour the water, cook until all ingredients are cooked. Remove and let cool.
     Fill each spring roll skin with 2 tablespoons of batter content. As much as he rolled.
     Glue the edges with flour solution.
     Fried **) in many oil and heat until golden browned. Lift & drain.
     Sauce: Boil all sauce ingredients except tapioca flour, until the sugar dissolves.
     Pour the starch solution. Simmer until thick. Remove and strain.
     Serve with sauce lumpia and supplementary materials.

Additional notes:

     * Sweet & Sour Sauce: Combine all ingredients, mix well and cook until boiling.
     Enter the cornstarch solution, stir, cook until thick.
     ** If you want a wet spring rolls, fried should not and need not be glued together with flour solution.
 Tempe penyet

Here it is my favorite in the shop menu Arema, Pujasera, Batam besides Tofu Egg and Rice rames. I often eat lunch with coworkers. Depending on my mood sometimes tempe message penyet panyet chicken sometimes. Both were delicious tenan hhmmm! Sauces that taste pungent with the aroma of fresh kencur never forget. The menu is also that I often peek while I stood waiting for food while the message is finished. After nearly 4 years, I also try to hold them while they experiment results spiciness ha ha .. For you who do not like spicy chili please rawitnya reduced or even plus the guts to make that will test :-). Important tips: Make sauce kencur shortly before serving and serve immediately. If left too long will cause the sauce watery tomatoes, thereby reducing the enjoyment of the taste and ruin the appearance of

     250 grams of Tempe.
     Cucumbers, sliced ​​to taste
     Handful of basil leaves

Chili Powder:

     5-7 pcs red chili
     1 pc large red chillies, roughly chopped
     1 pc garlic
     Bh 1 medium tomato or half a large tomato
     1 teaspoon shrimp paste cooked
     1 cm kencur, peeled

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